A high quality surgical experience
Ros Pochin

Bsc. Hons (London) 1992
MBBS London) 1994
FRACS (General Surgery) 2006
Ros is one of the most senior General Surgeons in Nelson. She has worked at Nelson Hospital for 15 years and her practice covers all aspects of General Surgery and Trauma.
She has worked in private since 2008 and is comfortable and proficient at all general surgical procedures including Colonoscopy, Gastroscopy, Hernia procedures, and all minor skin and subcutaneous procedures.
She is the most senior Breast surgeon in Nelson and the lead for the Southern Governance Group of the Breast Cancer Foundation. She is a well-respected and very experienced Breast surgeon.
She undertook post-fellowship sub-specialty training in Breast and Endocrine in Auckland and the UK. During this time, she worked closely with Plastic Surgeons, enabling her to hone her skills in breast preservation and remodelling.
She continues to work regularly alongside the Plastic Surgeons, both in Nelson and Wellington, operating jointly on Nelson breast cancer patients.
Her other special area of interest is Endocrine surgery, and she is the sole Thyroid and Parathyroid surgeon for the Top of the South, working closely with the local Endocrinologists and linking in monthly with the Endocrine surgeons in Christchurch.
She is the only General Surgeon consulting in central Nelson and is situated at Manuka Street Specialists Centre, which is ideally placed adjacent to Manuka Street Hospital where most surgical procedures are undertaken.
Ros has a reputation for compassionate care and excellent communication skills. She feels privileged to share the responsibility for such a great community’s well-being and health, and to be able to live and work in such stunning surroundings.
Phone: 0204 460 557
Address: The Specialist Centre at Manuka Street Hospital, 36 Manuka Street Nelson 7010
Email: admin@nelsonsurgeon.co.nz